💬 Actively writing blogs at https://medium.com/@jisanmia and dev.to
🌋 I’m always looking for challenging work opportunities ahead.
📧 How to reach me: jisanmia47@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact: I really love to travel and explore new things in my free time.
One of my most productive days was throwing |
- 20+ DOM Projects: Your Frontend Breakthrough!
- Learn CSS Flexbox in an interesting way!
- JavaScript Math Object
- JavaScript Array Methods(Part-1)
- Basic Git and GitHub
- HTML5 Semantic tags, audio, video, table, form
- World-countries | Explore about 250 countries important information
- An e-commerce site built using Reactjs
- Pizaa-ghar is an pizza e-commerce site
- A scientific calculator built using vanila JS
- Morse code translator using vanila JS
- Weather App | JavaScript Project