fyi i dont know.
Pet website
idea behind this
Eg add my dog to web3 based health and history
npm install mongodb
Using main.html
adding backend folder called database
backend/ |-- node_modules/ |-- app.js |-- db.js |-- userHandler.js |-- package.json |-- package-lock.json
Running webserver node app.js Project is a web application that allows users to sign up, log in, and manage their pet-related information.
Table of Contents Introduction Features Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Usage Contributing License Introduction is a web application developed to provide users with a platform for managing their pet-related information. The project includes features like user authentication, sign-up, sign-in, and a dashboard for managing pets.
Features User sign-up: Users can create accounts by providing their username, email, password, pet's name, and pet's breed. User sign-in: Users can log in to their accounts using their email and password. Dashboard: Authenticated users can access a dashboard to manage their pets' information. Getting Started Prerequisites Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer. Installation Clone the repository:
bash Copy code git clone cd Install project dependencies:
bash Copy code npm install Usage Start the backend server:
bash Copy code cd backend node app.js The server will be running on port 3000.
Open the main page in a web browser:
Open main.html located in the project root directory in a web browser.
Sign up for an account:
Click on the "Sign Up" link on the main page and provide the required information.
Log in:
Once signed up, you can log in using your email and password.
After logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard where you can manage your pets' information.
Contributing Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.