About: "remoteness, insularity, difficult topography" is an artistic work that consists of a GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), fine-tuned Generative adversarial network (StyleGAN2), a website and a series of silkscreen prints. A data set was created from landscape photographs of travel destinations that were most frequently searched for in #stayathome spring 2020 when the home office became the new normal for many office workers. The model to a certain extent has learned to create images of longing. As non-nature, however, the ultimate disappointment remains inherent in the synthetic image. On a website visitors can generate their individual landscape background.
You can issue a request to the trained model to generate a new image in real time, which is then stored in a DB. At the same time the oldest image in the DB is displayed to the user (and set to "isUsed" in DB).
App using React.js, Express.js, Node.js, HTML, SCSS, MongoDB, REST-API, StyleGAN2, RunwayML API
- Create
- Read
- Update
Database: landscapes Collection: landscapes
- / - Home page. Displays an empty frame / generated image, generate-button / download-button, info-link
- /gallery - displays a selection of random genrated landscapes from database
- GET - '/landscape'
- RunwayMLAPI call - generates new landscape image
- Landscape.findOneAndUpdate({ isUsed: false }, { isUsed: true}, { sort: { 'createdAt' : 1 } }) - fetches the oldest image from DB
- GET - '/random-landscapes'
- Landscape.find --> 10 landscapes with isUsed true and isGallery true
- image: { type: String, required: true }
- isUsed: { type: Boolean, required: true }
- isGallery: { type: Boolean }