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JavaScript API

Aymeric edited this page Jan 13, 2015 · 24 revisions

The official documentation has been moved to


SARAH is a bridge between all server side features. This singleton provides function wrapping HTTP client request. And advanced feature for plugins.

Note: as SARAH uses a NodeJS you can call the NodeJS API into your JavaScript files.

Plugins Functions

List of available functions to control plugins life cycle.

NodeJS Description Run script with given data Like run without rule dispatch
SARAH.last() Run latest script again (v2.8)
SARAH.exists() Check if module/phantom exists (v2.8)
SARAH.remote() Run client remote commande (play, pause, …)

To run a plugin like an HTTP request:

// Run eedomus plugin with some parameters'eedomus', { 'periphId' : id , 'periphValue' : value });
// Call eedomus plugin without forwarding result to Rule Engine'eedomus', { 'periphId' : LUMENS}, function(options){ /* do next stuff */  });

# HTTP Functions

List of available function sending an HTTP Request to Client. Request are sent using SARAH.remote()

See also: Client HTTP Server

NodeJS Request Description
SARAH.answer() Call SARAH.speak() with predefined answers
SARAH.speak() tts=...&sync=... Trigger Text to Speech (can be sync or async)
SARAH.shutUp() notts=... Stop speaking play=...&sync=... File.mp3 to play
SARAH.pause() pause=... File.mp3 to stop
SARAH.keyText() keyText=... Text to type
SARAH.runApp() run=...&runp=... Application path to run and parameters
SARAH.activate() activate=... Application to put foreground
SARAH.face() face=... start/stop face recognition
SARAH.gesture() gesture=... start/stop gesture recognition
below the requests only
picture=... Take a picture, store it and return in response (only main Sensor)
height=... Return user height based on it's forearm (value tts to speech)
keyUp=... Key to press
keyDown=... Key to press
keyPress=... Key to press
keyMod=... Key modifier
status=... returns "speaking" if SARAH is currently speaking
recognize=... Perform speech recognition on given audio path or upload
listen=... Start / Stop listening
context=... Activate context grammar




  • {String} module : check if a module/phantom is available


If the module is available the function will return true, or false if it's not available.


From SARAH v2.8.

Example: if you have the plugin "freebox" you can test SARAH.exists("freebox").



  • No parameter


The function will randomly take one sentence from the custom.prop. You can change the default sentences via the web interface of SARAH: in the "A propos" widget, just click on the "Config." button. Each answers must be seperated with a pipe (|).

The default answers are Oui|Je m'en occupe|Voilà|C'est fait. So when you call SARAH.answer() the program will say "Oui", or "Voilà", or "Je m'en occupe". The answer is randomly chosen.

SARAH.speak(sentence, [callback])


  • {String} Sentence : this is the sentence that SARAH will say
  • {Function} [callback] : (optional) this is a callback function that will be called when the sentence has been said


The call is synchronous if you don't use a second parameter. Examples:

SARAH.speak("I'm Sarah");

Then it will send 3 HTTP requests and only 1 will be said by SARAH. It's because the TTS requests are ignored when SARAH is currently speaking.

From SARAH V3.0 it's possible to change this behavior with cascading calls (=asynchronous):

SARAH.speak("Hello", function(){
  SARAH.speak("world", function(){
    SARAH.speak("I'm Sarah", function(){
      // ...

It's still possible to use SARAH.shutUp() at any time to stop SARAH for speaking.

Note - you can check the status of SARAH in sending the request : if it returns speaking then it means SARAH is current speaking, otherwise it returns nothing., [callback])


  • {String} file : relative path to a MP3 or WAV file (e.g. media/song.mp3), or a web URL (e.g.
  • {Function} [callback] : (optional) this is a callback function that will be called when the audio has been played


This function will play a sound file. The sounds can be parallelized. However there is a timeout after 8 minutes (from SARAH v3.1, or 2 minutes for SARAH < v3.1) that will automatically stop the playing.

Regarding the WAV file, it must be a 88 kb/s encoded file (the 64 kb/s won't work).



  • {String} file : relative path to a MP3 or WAV file (e.g. media/song.mp3), or a web URL (e.g.


This function will stop/pause a sound that is currently playing. The file parameter must be the same used for

SARAH.runApp({run, [runp]})


  • {Object} the options
    • {String} run : the path to the program to execute
    • {String} [runp] : use this one to pass some parameters to the program


This function call the C# function Process.Start(processName, param). Windows' rule: never use space or custom chars in path.

If you want to launch/run an executable program on client side:

  // Lauching XBMC

  // Lauching Spotify with a song
  SARAH.runApp('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Spotify\\spotify.exe', '"spotify:track:6ilfuI7O1vUfKf4TQ9fJRb"');

If you want to launch/run an executable program on server side:

exports.action = function(data, callback, config, SARAH) {
  // see
  var exec = require('child_process').exec;
  // note: below we use double quotes inside (") the simple quotes (')
  // because we have some blank spaces in the path
  // for a relative path to SARAH you can use %CD%
  // example: var process = '%CD%\\\\plugins\\\\myplugin\\\\bin\\\\xbmc.bat';
  var process = '"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\XBMC\\\\XBMC.exe"'; 
  var child = exec(process, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
    if (error !== null) console.log('exec error: ' + error);

  callback({'tts': "Je lance XBMC."});

Advanced features

SARAH also provides advanced features throught it's API to handle Context, Profile, Events, ...


Plugins can share contextual data for other plugins using SARAH.context. For instance the XBMC plugin store data in SARAH.context.xbmc.

If you want to use it with your plugin, then make sure to use the syntax: SARAH.context.yourPluginName (yourPluginName is the name of the folder used by your plugin) to avoid any conflicts.

Because the data are only stored in memory (it means they are deleted after a restart of SARAH) you can use the below function to setup your context:

exports.init = function(SARAH) {
  SARAH.context.myPluginName = {"someVariable": "someValue"}


Client's send and up to date profile of currents users in the context:

SARAH.context.profile = 
  { Timestamp: "2013-11-10T14:00:11.1205204+01:00",
    Name: "Jean_Philippe", Pitch: 153.28974723815918,
    x: 0, y: 0, z: 0,
    Mood: 0, Height: 0 
  { Timestamp: "2013-10-18T22:29:21.843015+02:00",
    Name: "Aurelie", Pitch: 0,
    x: 0, y: 0, z: 0,
    Mood: 0, Height: 0 


A plugin can comunicate with other plugin using EventEmiter API. Plugins should listen to event in their init() function.

On a side must listen to events (like XBMC):

exports.init = function(SARAH){
  SARAH.listen('xbmc', function(data){
    // your code here

On the other side XBMC will do:

SARAH.trigger('xbmc', { key : value, x : 1, y : 2 });

Note: An other way to do this without code is to use RuleEngine IF xbmc THEN DO YourPlugin. XBMC must still put convenient data in callback({}).


A plugin can ask a question to user then be called back using following function:

SARAH.askme(tts, grammar, timeout, callback);
Argument Description
tts The text to speech
grammar key/value grammar choice
timeout timeout (if > 0 ask twice)
callback function to call with answer
  • A dynamic grammar is set on client side
  • The grammar is exclusif (a context is set)
  • After the given timeout, the question is ask again
  • If there is no answer after timeout x 2 or 8s the callback is called with false
  • AskMe call are stacked and buffered !

Example: Plugin 1

SARAH.askme("What is your favorite color", {
  "My color is bleu" : 'blue',
  "My favorite color is blue no red" : 'red'
}, 10000, function(answer, end){ // the selected answer or false
  SARAH.speak('You said: ' + answer, function(){
      end(); // MUST be called when job done

Concurrent Plugin 2

If Plugin 2 ask something at the same time, it will stack and wait.

SARAH.askme("What is your favorite sound", {
  "I feel good" : 'feelggod',
  "Highway to hell" : 'ACDC'
}, 10000, function(answer, end){'xbmc', { 'song' : answer }, function(options){ end(); }); // Again a callback to wait


A plugin can display a webpage, on server side using Chromeless browser using folowing function:

SARAH.chromeless(url, o, w, h, x, y)
Argument Description
url URL to display
o Browser's opacity
w Browser's width
h Browser's height
x Browser's x
y Browser's y


SARAH.chromeless('', 80);


see also : Plugin's third party page