A julia wrapper for the PORTA polyhedral analysis software.
XPORTA provides two features:
- a thin wrapper around the complete PORTA API
- an interface to Polyhedra
- XPORTA.jl documentation: JuliaPolyhedra.github.io/XPORTA.jl/dev/
- Julia distribution of PORTA: github.com/bdoolittle/julia-porta
- Legacy PORTA software: http://porta.zib.de
PORTA and XPORTA.jl are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0.
To use XPORTA with Polyhedra, use XPORTA.Library
using Polyhedra, XPORTA
h = hrep(...)
p = polyhedron(h, XPORTA.Library())
Development of XPORTA.jl was made possible by the advisory of Dr. Eric Chitambar and general support from the Physics Department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Funding was provided by NSF Award 1914440.
for the relevant references.