A small obstacle game as a game development exercise.
- You play a the BB8 character from Starwars.
- You have evade obstacles (only walls until now) to reach the Millenium Falcon.
- Unfinished content:
- Lasers and enemies to evade.
- Smartphone controls using gyroscope data sent over UDP with the ZigZim app.
- Stereoscopic camera option for 3D view (this game was developed to be demonstrated in the UBIC 3D theater of the University of Aizu, Japan)
Unity version:
- 2018.3.14f1
Required tools:
- ZigZim app settings:
- Sensor data: Accel(erator), Quaternion(calculated)
- Protocol: UDP
- IP adress: [IP adress of your network]
- Port number: [A port number to communicate over, e.g. 42002]
- Message format: JSON
- Message rate: 30
- Compass angle: Faceup
- Local network to send data over UDP, e.g. mobile hotspot
- ZigZim app settings:
Game repository
- Assets/
- BB8Game/
- Plugins/
- [Third-party/Unity assets]/
- ...
- Assets/