This project translates clinical constraints into high dimensional mathematical constraints and uses projections to correct erroneous data as well as engineer new "distance-to-normal" features that help improve sepsis predictions.
- Create your virtual environment using the requirements.txt file
- Get the Gurobi license (Academic license is free) and follow the steps to activate it : Gurobi License
- Install gurobipy
- Patient data would need to be in the form of .psv files similar to the Physionet Dataset
- Change the data paths in to point to this folder
- Run:
- Requires the file: constraints_wo_calcium.txt
- Change the data paths to point to your imputed data in step 1 in
- Set the right subpatient lengths in
- Run:
- Change the config file to point to your data and (optional) clustering objects, specify other parameters
- Run the python script with the path to the config file as cl argument
python --<path_to_config>
- Create a single inference script that runs on any form of new data
- Add branch for clustering analysis