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Solstrejf - 4 Voice Sinewave Drone Oscillator

This repository contains the simulation, schematic ,and PCB files for Solstrejf. Some custom KiCad footprints, 3D models, and symbols are used in this project. This is included as a git submodule, which means that this repo should be cloned with the --recursive option like so:

git clone --recursive ""

Introduction & Overview

Solstrejf, roughly translated from Danish to "sun streak" or "sun touch", is a four-voice analog sine wave drone oscillator. I was on a hike in Sweden out near a beautiful forest lake just around the break of dawn. The way the sun interacted with nature gave me a real sense of calm and ease. At that moment I thought, what if I could create an instrument that would be able to replicate this feeling? A sine wave drone synthesizer came to my mind, similar to the early Musique Concrète test equipment techniques.

Block Diagram

Solstrejf Blockdiagram

I wanted the instrument to be playful and interactive. Four sine wave oscillators in itself are maybe not that interesting and can become static. A modulation matrix, which would allow for all four voices to modulate parameters like frequency and amplitude on all other voices would create more complex soundscapes. The basic idea and block diagram can be seen above, where four identical voice boards are connected to the mod-matrix board and a power supply/mixer board for output summation.

Modulation Matrix & Voice Control Interface

Control Interface

The image above is a render of the modulation matrix and four of the voice board control front panels. This is essentialy user interface of the synthesizer.

PCB's - KiCad Projects

As indicated by the block diagram above, Solstrejf is broken into four different types of subblocks and PCB's:

  • A Power Supply Unit (PSU) & Mixer PCB
  • A Modulation Matrix PCB
  • A Voiceboard PCB (x4)
  • A Voiceboard Front Panel PCB (x4)

Each of these PCB's have their own KiCad project with an associated schematic. The schematics directory contains some of the latest prints of the different schematics. The revision may not match with the KiCad files, so be sure to double check the actual KiCad project files to be certain.

PSU / Audio Mixer

Use to generate the +/-15V supply and sum all of the left and right audio channels of the four voices.

KiCad Project Files


PSU/audio-mixer PCB

3D Model : Top View

PSU/audio-mixer Top

3D Model : Side View

PSU/audio-mixer Side


Connects to each of the four voice boards to route the modulation from and to each of the voices. Each voice can modulate the amplitude, frequency and pan of all other voices.

KiCad Project Files


Mod-Matrix PCB

3D Model : Front-Side

Mod-Matrix PCB Front

3D Model : Back-Side

Mod-Matrix PCB Back

Voice board

Coming soon...

KiCad Project Files

Voice board Front Panel

The voice board needs a control interface for the base pan, frequency, and volume. All of the potentiometers that control the voice board are located on this front panel for easier assembling.

KiCad Project Files


Voice Board Control Panel PCB

3D Model : Front-Side

Voice Board Control Panel PCB Front

3D Model : Back-Side

Voice Board Control Panel PCB Back