Wallpaper Changer is a graphical interface designed with PyQt5 which allows to periodically change the wallpaper.
(For Windows)
The first thing to do is to select a folder containing images likely to be wallpapers. Once this is done, the program indicates the number of images present in the directory. Note : if the directory does not contain images, or too few (at least 2), the process will not be able to start.
Then the user sets a timer which will determine how often the wallpaper should change. The unit of time can be in minutes or seconds.
Once the process has been launched (indicated by a green LED), the program randomly chooses the images in the directory choosen by the user. Note : only the .jpg, .jpeg and .png images are taken into account.
A countdown announces the display of the next wallpaper, a counter of wallpapers already displayed is also available.
The user can stop the process at any time by pressing STOP.
(Only compatible with Windows and Mac)