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Version 0.2.0

This repository aims to provide a suite of static analysis tools to analyze code complexity. This is currently a collection of known heuristics, but will evolve with time to include aggregate metrics which take into account lower level metrics.

Unlike other code metrics related repos at the time of writing, this one computes software complexity by file and language in addition to a global aggregate score across all files & languages in a given codebase. There is support for over 20 languages, including low-level assembly languages like MIPS, ARM and PowerPC. Please note this is release 0.2.0 and is not recommended for production (yet).

CodeKritik provides some support for running metrics on arbitrary Git repositories via URL and locally. The idea is the complexity metrics are computed across every hash within a specified date range, and will soon provide a breakdown of git stats by users. Refer to documentation below.

Level Languages
High-level 1. Python
2. Julia
3. Go
4. Java
5. JavaScript
6. TypeScript
7. C
8. C++
9. C#
10. Objective-C
11. Haskell
12. Rust
13. BASH
16. R
17. PHP
18. Clojure
19. Lisp
20. Scala
2. Gimple (not fully tested)
Low-level 1. x86
2. ARM
4. PowerPC
7. Z80


Usage is simple, simply pass in a directory as a command-line argument to python3 --dir <directory> when running on a local directory.

When evaluating across git history, execute

python3 --repo_url <git_url> --since MM-DD-YYYY --until MM-DD-YYYY --branch <branch of choice>.

Under the hood, this calls the file on the checked out code for all commits within the specified date range on the given branch.

KNOWN BUGS: There is a known bug where this code will fail if the target branch/repository does not contain any of the 20 languages. Specifically, if none of the file extensions match to a language, the code fails. There is also a division-by-zero error which sometimes occurs. These issues will be both be fixed by version 0.2.2. These bugs are not the most exhaustive, but are by far the most common. A detailed bugs section will be added to the README in a future release.

A directory of the form logs_<hash> is created when running

Under each of these, there is a directory for each metric, broken down at three levels of granularity - file, language, and global. The exception to this is the maintainability index which is directly under logs. When running across history, the directory structure becomes


Under metrics_cfgs there are several key files -

  1. lang_regexes.json. This file contains operators, keywords etc. which allow for pattern matching. This makes extending the complexity metrics calculation across languages trivial (even experimental ones) - simply add another key to the JSON file containing the patterns for all syntatic tokens of interest.
  2. program_file_exts.txt - a file containing the extensions that the runner should consider when computing complexity. This can be easily be modified to ignore specific file exts.
  3. program_file_exts_map.json - this file is a JSON which maps language -> List[allowable extensions]. This is also a key component in making the software complexity calculations extendable to other languages, and can be applied to novel languages as seamlessly as well-established ones.
  4. - this file is responsible for auto-generating a JSON file which contains the assignments, branches, conditional, loop keywords, and comments which are used to calculate metrics. This allows the computations to be language agnostic and simply operate over syntactic tokens of interest. This file is for high-level languages like Python, Go, C++ etc. The generated file will be called hll_tokens.json.
  5. - similarly, this file is responsible for auto-generating a JSON file which contains the assignments, branches, conditional and loop keywords along with comment tokens for assembly-level languages like x86 and ARM.
  6. - like above, but for middle-end Intermediate Representation (IR) languages like LLVM and Gimble.

Current Metrics

  1. ABC Metrics
  2. Halstead Complexity
  3. Cyclomatic Complexity - this also includes a crude ASCII Control-Flow Graph (CFG) of a given program
  4. LOC (broken down into source, comment, and blank lines of code)
  5. Maintainability index (MI)

Experimental features

The metrics used here are themselves not novel, and fall under the umbrella of static analysis code tools. That said, higher abstraction constructs like relationships between objects, functions, and polymorphic types deserve further exploration. These will be found under software_metrics/metrics/experimental

More sophisticated features will be added in future releases, like object dependency injections, as well as code which will automatically perform dependency inversion and Inversion-of-Control (IoC) for classes

Interpretation of Metrics

Despite software metrics being quantifiable and determinsitic, interpretation of the results is non-trivial. As a quick example, MI heavily relies on LOC, which artificially reduces the score for more verbose (usually strongly typed) languages even when the algorithm(s) implemented is/are identical.

Despite known limitations, software metrics provide a way to analyze code objectively and serve as some basis for understanding how complex a code base is, which in turn tells developers and managers the expected cost of refactoring, maintenance, learning curves for new developers etc. Additionally, since all metrics are broken down by file and language, this provides a more granular understanding of the codebase, allowing developers to focus on certain portions more than others.

Use Cases

  1. Reward function for AI Agents -> Agents which use some combination of classic RL w/ LLMs can use the software metrics here as a reward function. In this setup, an RL episode may include code generation, and through iterative refinement of some policy function, the agent is rewarded for both correct and less complex code.

  2. GitHub Actions & MR denial/approval -> When someone submits an MR, it is possible to set up a git diff between the branch of interest and the MR branch and automatically deny an MR if the MR adds too much complexity to the codebase. In conjunction with established best practices, this can significantly improve long term maintainability of large scale projects. A simple GitHub action for CI can be setup to enforce this policy

  3. Downstream automated code tooling -> because CodeKritik provides complexity metrics at the file, language and global level, tools that automatically generate unit tests, code linters, and LLM powered refactoring tools can focus on relevant subsets of the codebase.

Roadmap to 0.3.0

  1. Proper unit tests for all metrics across all languages
  2. When computing metrics for IR, ensure Gimble, not just LLVM is supported
  3. Create GitHub action so this code can be run as part of CI
  4. Include user Git metrics like code churn
  5. Dockerization


This software is available under a dual-license model:

  1. GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3:

    • This software is open-source and licensed under the AGPL v3.
    • You are free to use, modify, and distribute the software in open-source and non-commercial projects, provided that any modifications are also distributed under the AGPL license and made available to the public.

    For more details, see the LICENSE file.

  2. Commercial License:

    • If you intend to use this software in a commercial application or as part of a proprietary product, you must obtain a commercial license.
    • The commercial license allows you to use the software without the obligation to release your modifications under the AGPL.

    To inquire about commercial licensing, please contact:

By using this software for commercial purposes without a commercial license, you are in violation of the terms of this repository.