Releases: KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
1.8.1 - Multi Textures, WebGL2
New Additions
- multi texture support!
- improved tile indexing
- Webgl 2.0 shaders
- TextureInfo class tracks stuff for each loaded image
- TileInfo is used to index into a texture
- fix RandomGenerator
- cleanup code
With the new system some of the functions signatures have changed because now instead of passing in the tileIndex and tileSize around, now everything is contained in this object which is more useful because tiles aren't limited to being on a grid, also it has an optional texture parameter so anyone using multiple tile sheets can just pass in the index to any texture into there.
We also have an important new function called tile() where you can pass in tile index, or vector position and pass in the size as a float instead of a vec, if it is square, this should make it easy to use and retrofit old code.
So basically if you had code like this...
drawTile(this.pos, vec2(2), 0, vec2(16));
it becomes this...
drawTile(this.pos, vec2(2), tile(0, 16);
For anyone with a large code base, you can also retrofit old code by creating a new function called drawTileOld that works the old way and calls the new drawTile using the tile function to wrap the old params if that makes sense.
TileInfo is much more useful for us because it is not limited to a grid, the tiles can be at any pixel locations. Also a texture can be passed in and littlejs will handle using the correct one.
- move time update to a better place
- add effects to breakout example
- fix crash in puzzle game example
- remove cryptojs, instance must be passed in
- improve SoundWave, added getDuration and isLoading
- Make Music extend Sound class
- fix touch hold on ios causing lens and link popup
- fix touch gamepad
- remove floor from 2d transform (fix non-webgl glitches)
- use strict mode for build scripts
- make built files have proper use of strict so deepscan is happy
fix bug with screenspace parm in debug mode
- added wrap lerp functions
- replace randSeeded with RandomGenerator
- fix fps display
- use tri strips instead of lists for webgl
- added drawPoly function
- added SoundWave to load wavs files
- change screenspace draw functions to just be a param passed to draw
- clean touch input
- fix small zzfxm attenuation bug
- fix mobile audio
- added debugSaveText
- node build scripts
- improved tile raycasts
- improve intellisense
- separate js13k starter project
- fixes for deepscan
- code cleanup
move debug ~ to Escape to better support users that don't have that key readily available on their keyboard
- this escape button can also be changed with the variable debugKey
fix angular velocity
fix touch input that broke due to recent browser update
1.6.0 - rework directory structure
new folder setup to make it work more like other JS frameworks
- build/ - builds of littlejs engine
- examples/ - all the examples are here now
- src/ - the soruce of the engine
also renamed builds to start with littlejs instead of engine
- improve documentation
- default damping 1
- remove defaultObjectSize
v1.5.0 - TypeScript support
- fix some types
- add stop and isPlaying to Music class
- removed