Added API Function to the Plugin!
New features has been added!
- Allow to display Champion Q,W,E,R Icon
- Added GUI to enter your API Keys
- Added Show your Queue type
- Added Show Tier
- Added Show Rank
- Added Show Win or Lose states of Ranked Game ONLY
- Added Mastery Points
In order to get your API Key you need to go this link and login to your League of Legend Account
should look like something like this
make sure you click bot check and click Regenerate key and click Copy and now paste it in the GUI with your Display Name
and then you need to select your Region if you dont know what Region your in you can try each one of them until it says You've connected to your League of Legend Account
You have to regenerate the Key every 24hours or else it will not display the LoL API data i've also added a state in TouchPortal that let you know when you need to regenerate the API Key if it change to True it means you need to and if is False that means your good you can also request them for a PERSONAL API KEY and that key will be usable forever but you have to register for it
also one last note you can always check how much time is left by going to also if you change the API key you must restart TouchPortal or else the the plugin will not know that you've changed the API key