It supports:
I.Lzo compressed contents. (via lzo-core)
II.Ripemd128 key-info decryption.
III.Builders to make Mdx add Mdd.
and is able to do:
I.Basic query.
II.Conjuction search.
III.Fast wildcard match among entries.
IV.Fast Fulltext retrieval. (also with wild cards)
String key = "happy";
mdict md = new mdict(path);
int search_result = md.lookUp(key, true);//true means to match strictly
String html_contents = md.getRecordAt(search_result);
String entry_name = md.getEntryAt(search_result);
key = "happy";
ArrayList<mdict> mdxs = new ArrayList<>();
RBTree_additive combining_search_tree = new RBTree_additive();
for(int i=0;i<mdxs.size();i++)
combining_search_tree.inOrder();//print results stored in the RBTree
/*printed results looks like 【happy____@111@0@222@1@16906@1】...【other results】...
how to handle:
String html_contents0 = mdxs.get(0).getRecordAt(111);
- This project was initially converted from xiaoqiangWang's python analyzer.
- Use red-black tree and binary-list-searching(mainly) to implement dictionary funcitons.
- Feng Dihai(@fengdh)'s mdict-js is of help too, I've just switched to use the same short but elegant binary-list-searching method——reduce().Somehow, this function always returns the first occurence of the entry >= keyword, in a pre-sorted list that contain entries. maybe some mathematician could tell me why, but I've tested over 100000 times without any expectation.
- Maybe I should oneday replace red-black tree and the recursive reduce method with
, but I am lazy...
/*via mdict-js
*note at first time we feed in 0 as start and array.length as end. it must not be array.length-1.
public static int reduce(int phrase, int[] array,int start,int end) {
int len = end-start;
if (len > 1) {
len = len >> 1;
return phrase > array[start + len - 1]
? reduce(phrase,array,start+len,end)
: reduce(phrase,array,start,start+len);
} else {
return start;
Source Code License: Apache2.0 for the core part, specifically anything under the package of com.knziha.plod.dictionary.*; GPL3.0 for everything else including the mdictBuilder, UI part, and the android application. As for the License of mdx file format itself, well, you know, mdict is an open dictionary platform.