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Fast Open Weather Map API client for Elixir applications.


Add ExOwm as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps() do
    {:ex_owm, "~> 1.3.1"}

Upgrade from 1.0.X

Please re-factor your configuration as the module naming (specifically the order) has slightly changed. Use the configuration below:


To use OWM APIs, you need to register for an account (free plan is available) and obtain an API key. After obtaining the key, set the environment variable OWM_API_KEY to your API key.

If you are using this application as a dependency in your project, add the following configuration to your config/config.exs file:

config :ex_owm, api_key: System.get_env("OWM_API_KEY")

..and you are ready to go!

Basic Usage

ExOwm currently handles the following main OpenWeatherMap APIs:

Please note that with a standard (free) license/API key, you may be limited in the number of requests per minute and may not have access to the 1 - 16 day/daily forecast. Please refer to OpenWeatherMap pricing plans for more details..

There are three main public interface functions for each API, accepting the same set of two parameters: a list of location maps and a keyword list of options.

Sample API calls:

ExOwm.get_current_weather([%{city: "Warsaw"}, %{city: "London", country_code: "uk"}], units: :metric, lang: :pl)
[{:ok, %{WARSAW_DATA}}, {:ok, %{LONDON_DATA}}]

ExOwm.get_five_day_forecast([%{city: "Warsaw"}, %{city: "London", country_code: "uk"}], units: :metric, lang: :pl)
[{:ok, %{WARSAW_DATA}}, {:ok, %{LONDON_DATA}}]

ExOwm.get_sixteen_day_forecast([%{city: "Warsaw"}, %{city: "unknown City Name", country_code: "uk"}], units: :metric, lang: :pl, cnt: 16)
[{:ok, %{WARSAW_DATA}}, {:error, :not_found, %{"cod" => "404", "message" => "city not found"}}]

yesterday = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(24 * 60 * 60 * -1, :second) |> DateTime.to_unix()
ExOwm.get_historical_weather([%{lat: 52.374031, lon: 4.88969, dt: yesterday}])
[{:ok, %{CITY_DATA}}]

For more details, refer to the official docs.


ExOwm utilizes some cool features such as:

  • concurrent API calls
  • super fast generational caching
  • access to main OWM APIs!

Each location entry in the list spawns a separate task (Elixir worker process) to check whether the request has been made within a specified time interval. If it has, the result is fetched from the cache. Otherwise, an API query is sent, the result is cached, and the data is returned.

Running local tests

Since all the tests are based on OWM API calls, they are disabled by default. To enable them, please remove :api_based_test from the test/test_helper.exs file.

To do

  • Add remaining OWM APIs (including One Call API 3.0)


This project is MIT licensed. Please see the file for more details.


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