A Gradle plugin for git versioning and other useful utility.
The Git tag versioning feature allows for easy dynamic versioning using git tags. Effectively, the tools runs:
git describe --tags --abbrev=0
which will retrieve the latest tag, no matter how many commits ago.
To create a new version, you can simply add a new Git tag:
git tag 1.0.1
The tool will also validate against a version pattern:
Which means, you can use alpha-numerical version values of the schema major.minor.patch-variant
, where the -variant
part is optional.
Add the following repository to your settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
name = "LCLPNetwork Maven"
url = uri("https://repo.lclpnet.work/repository/internal")
In your build.gradle.kts
, include the plugin at the top of the buildscript:
plugins {
id("gradle-build-utils").version("1.0.0") // replace with your version
To use the git tag versioning feature, you can add:
val gitVersion: groovy.lang.Closure<String> by extra
version = gitVersion()
To load a Java properties file, you can use this tool:
val loadProperties: groovy.lang.Closure<java.util.Properties> by extra
val props = loadProperties("publish.properties")
Add the following repository to your settings.gradle
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
name = 'LCLPNetwork Maven'
url = 'https://repo.lclpnet.work/repository/internal'
In your build.gradle
, include the plugin at the top of the buildscript:
plugins {
id 'gradle-build-utils' version '1.0.0' // replace with your version
To use the git tag versioning feature, you can add:
version = gitVersion.call()
To load a Java properties file, you can use this tool:
def props = loadProperties.call('publish.properties')