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💦 FIRST x BEAT 🥁 I would call it "ModnarTaeb"

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@LSDog LSDog released this 17 Jun 12:46

Ver 1.0.0

首次发布 | The first release

  • 基本上可以用了!
    Basically usable!

Which one should I download | 我该下载哪一个?

Android 安卓 BeatRandom.apk
Windows x86_64 (64-bit | 64位): BeatRandom.exe
Windows x86_32 (32-bit | 32位): BeatRandom_32.exe
Linux x86_64 (64-bit | 64位): BeatRandom.x86_64
Linux x86_32 (64-bit | 32位): BeatRandom.x86_32

Other download links | 其他下载地址