First, install dependencies:
conda env create --name kaer_39 --file=environments.yml
Second, install Refined for entity linking:
pip install
Third, install Doduo for column annotation:
pip install
Example scripts to implement Doduo: DittoPlus/doduo_scripts/
- [Experiment I]: Run KAER and Documenting Experimental Process
- [Experiment II]: Evaluating and Analyzing ER results
- Commands and HyperParameters
Entity Resolution by Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) can be started by running
script under dittoPlus
The command and key hyperparameters can be tuned by users are as follows:
$ cd dittoPlus
$ python --task {*} --dk {*} --prompt {*} --kbert {*}
: dataset folder name (trainset, validset, and testset), all meta-information documented indittoPlus/configs.json
: domain knowledge name: {default:none (ditto baseline), sherlock, doduo, entityLinking}prompt
: prompting methods name: {default: 1 (space), 0: kbert, 2 (slash)}kbert
: using kbert (constrained pruning method) or not: {default: False, True}
- Experiment Result: Log File Generated
After the experiment, one log file will be generated and can be found under this directory: dittoPlus/output/
- Evaluating script based on the log files:
- Compare the performance across the KA methods
Directory | Contents Descriptions |
data | Dataset from The ER-Magellan Benchmark |
environment.yml | All Dependencies Required to Run the Experiments {sherlock} |
dittoPlus | ditto + Domain Knowledge |
[1] Fang, L., Li, L., Liu, Y., Torvik, V. I., and Ludäscher, B. (2023). Kaer: A knowledge augmented pre-trained language model for entity resolution. Knowledge Augmented Methods for Natural Language Processing workshop in conjunction with AAAI 2023. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.04770.
[2] Li, L., Fang, L., Liu, Y., Torvik, V. I., & Ludäscher, B. (2024). T-KAER: Transparency-enhanced Pre-Trained Language Model for Entity Resolution. IDCC, 18.