Artemis is a project designed to trick my brain into learning scripting while convincing myself that this is saving me time and effort rather than manually typing commands
Artemis Can:
- Scan targets using Nmap
- Fuzz directories and DNS
- Run vulnerability scans on a target or website using Nmap scripts and Nikto
To-Do List:
- Shodan option
- More options and tools
- Select the ports you want to use
- Custom wordlists
- Add flags instead of menu options (Menu / CLI maybe?)
Future Projects:
- Amass Integration for DNS Recon
- Amass to MassDNS feed
- Python
- Pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 --help/-h
Set Artemis as an alias:
#1 Temporary Method:
export artemis=''
#2 Permanent Method (Requires sudo):
echo $0 # Find out what your terminal uses (Bash/Zsh) then edit the one you need to
sudo nano ~/.zshrc
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Add this to your custom aliases:
alias artemis='python3 PATH_TO_FILE/'
One Liner:
echo "alias artemis='python3 ~/PATH/TO/FILE/'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias artemis='python3 ~/PATH/TO/FILE/'" >> ~/.zshrc
Artemis is under active development, bugs are to be expected. This is currently working for the latest version of Kali - It might not work for you if some of the paths are not the same (Ffuf lists)
Special Thanks to: