A server provides playings music tracks from a music queue. Users can watch the queue and act on the queue. Actions can include adding a song to the queue, pausing, continuing, skipping, etc.
See included copyright.txt file.
- Force quit conditions that deserve it (like Redis connect failure)
- Seriously consider engine.io
- Add debug module and central reporting
- Move to common file for config info
- Move to Redis for music "database"
- Add music file size and last mod date to music database
- Start using Redis for pub / sub of events
- Add events for starting, ending, queuing, dequeuing
- Talk to client solely through Socket.io
- Render client solely through Angular
- Track users to limit plays, charge for plays, etc
- Support various user classes to allow for more or less control
- Allow for multiple music directories
- Create test cases / continuous integration
- Monitor music directories for changes
- Allow storing of music in Redis
- Allow uploading of music from user's devices to the server
- Get album art work
- Make it all prettier
- Redis (2.X+), http://redis.io/
- Node.js (0.8.X+)
- Socket.io, http://socket.io/
- MPlayer, http://www.mplayerhq.hu/
- MediaInfo (command line, not GUI), http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/
- Express (3.X+), $ npm info express version
- jQuery (1.X+) (via Google's CDM)
- jQuery-ui (maybe) (via Google's CDM)
- Angular (via Google's CDM)
Assuming this will run on a single server, laptop, or Raspberry Pi...
- Start Redis
If this will run on multiple servers or Redis is on a different machine...
- Review and edit config.js
- Start Redis (if not already running)