The repository included a custom R script to analyze the 10X scRNA-seq of lung subsolid and solid nodules. The single-cell objects were built on the Seurat package.
The project aims to:
Annotate cell clusters for immune and non-immune cell types. The R script encodes a pipeline built on a two-tier approach, including (1) enrichment approach based on marker gene sets and (2) expression of canonical genes.
Determine DEGs between malignant and matched normal tissue. DEG pipelines utilize single-cell MAST and pseudo-bulk edgeR algorithms. The DEG analyses incorporate patient ID as a variable in modeling.
Determine malignant-associated ligand-receptor interactions between cell lineages.
All cellranger count matrices and clinical data are available at rds files are available at HTAN, HUMAN TUMOR ATLAS NETWORK,
The rds files for immune and non-immune cells are available at:
The step-by-step pipeline was illustrated by scripts located in the data-raw directory. The inputs of the examples will be found in the example directory.