Add some flare to you command prompt. This is a simple python script for installing/adding multiple (or just one) .xml themes to your ConEmu.xml
It will also create a backup in the same directory as the ConEmu config. Previous backups do not replace each other, they just increment. If you don't want one you can use the -s
or --skip-backup
Python 3.6 or higher
python [-v, --verbose] [-s, --skip-backup] [-h, --help] [themesDir] [conEmuConfigDir]
Plonk the badboy down in your cmder config directory (cmder\config)
Create folder called "themes", put your .xml theme files in there
Run script - It will by default:
Look for themes in
and look in../vendor/conemu-maximus5/
for theConEmu.xml
config fileExample
python Path/To/File/
No duplication checking, if you run it multiple times with the same themes they will still be installed.
XML formatting is subpar, the theme's xml keys start and end on the same line
If you want to change the config dir you have to provide a theme directory, I'll fix it later. Probably. Maybe.
All of the above
Maybe prettier colored printing