An Invoicing Software that enables the user to create an invoice via an User-friendly-Graphical User Interface (using tkinter module in python) . It allows the user to enter the customer details, (like customer name, customer id, phone number), invoice number, date of delivery, details of the products purchased by the customer (like product id, product name, quantity and unit price of the product) and calculate the total value of the product purchased by the customer. This software also saves these invoices details into MySQL server for ease of management of data.
- Python IDLE (any other python IDEs)
This is a simple invoice generating software using python, that can receive customer details from the user as inputs (The date must be given in YYYY/MM/DD format). We need to enter the product details in feilds given at the bottom of the software. The software have constraints to check whether the user is giving valid inputs (like Quantity and unit prices are entered in number and no feild is left empty). Now, Click INSERT PRODUCT" buttton to insert the products into the dashboard we can also select the product from the dashboard and click "REMOVE PRODUCT" button to remove that product.We can see that the software fills the total column automatically and by clicking TOTAL BUTTON " at the bottom the software adds all the price of inserted products and calculates GST (Goods and Service Tax as per indian tax norms) of the products. "SAVE" Button allows the user to save all the data into the DBMS database.
This project has a long way to go. we can add complete inventory control feature that keeps track of products in inventory and deducts product count from inventory database as we make an invoice. This feature will help us to maintain inventory stock easy.we can make the software generate the invoice in pdf format so that it can be printed.An feature to make complete sale report annually and for each customer separately and many more......