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MongoDB CRUD Application

NodeJS + MongoDB App handling all CRUD operations with Docker Deployment


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Run npm install to install all dependencies stored in package.json

Without Docker

Run npm start

  • Connection base URL : http://localhost:3000/api/
  • MongoDB Connection URL : mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&appname=MongoDB%20Compass&ssl=false

With Docker

Pull mongo image by running : docker pull mongo:latest

While running 1st time, docker containers have to be built.

So run docker-compose up --build

  • Connection base URL : http://localhost:5000/api/
  • MongoDB Connection URL : mongodb://localhost:27019/?readPreference=primary&appname=MongoDB%20Compass&ssl=false

After building containers, to run the program, use : docker-compose up


Without Docker

When docker is not used, then the app is running locally on default ports specified in .env file which are :

PORT Usage
3000 Running Node Express Server
27017 Running MongoDB Database

So the connection strings are :

  • $HOST:3000 (currently localhost:3000)
  • mongodb://localhost:27017/

With Docker

When docker is enabled, we require 2 diff containers to run at the same time - one running the MongoDB database and the other running Node Express Server

The info for the Server container is stored in Dockerfile where details related to starting of server and installing npm scripts are stored.

The info for mongo container and environment variables for server is stored in docker-compose.yml. Here we have specified that port 5000 of container be mapped to port 8080 of machine at run time.

The port details are :

PORT Usage
8000 Specified in Dockerfile to Inform docker that container is listening at specified port at runtime
8080 Machine's port 8080 used to bind to container
5000 Container's port mapped to specified machine port(currently 8080)
27017 Machine's port runnning MongoDB
27019 Docker Container's MongoDB port mapped to local machine's MongoDB port(currently 27017)

So the connection strings are :

  • $HOST:5000 (currently localhost:5000)
  • mongodb://database:27017/ (Here databse is name of container running MongoDB)

Connect to MongoDB Compass

Connection String : mongodb://localhost:27019/?readPreference=primary&appname=MongoDB%20Compass&ssl=false

Here, 27019 is the port on which Mongo container is running

Useful Commands

  • Remove composed mongo container(container name : database) : docker-compose rm database



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