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How to create a level

fasigno edited this page Jan 23, 2013 · 21 revisions

This is a simple guide on how create new levels for OpenGOO, the levels are simple svg files with some tags inside. The easier way to create a level is using Inkscape.

What you need

  • OpenGOO Pre-Alpha 1 version: (guide)
  • Inkscape
    • Ubuntu sudo apt-get install inkscape
    • Fedora yum install inkscape
    • Archlinux pacman -S inkscape

How to start:

  • Start Inkscape

  • Set the size of the page, it will represent the display, I'll use a standard 1280x1024 (OpenGOO will scale the svg to the right size) Page settings

  • Now you can draw all the elements that form the level (the color property of these elements is optional):

    • The limit of the level (rectangle tool [F4])
    • Some goos start areas (rectangle tool [F4])
    • Ground (line tool [shift + F6])
    • Goo (circle tool [F5])
    • Joint (line tool [shift + F6])
    • Background (line tool [shift + F6])
    • Thorn: obstacles that destroy goos (line tool [shift + F6])
  • You can also add some background shape using different svg levels (the color of the object will be displayed into the game) (line tool [shift + F6])

    An example of all the elements:

    All the basics elements

  • OpenGOO use tags and names to recognize the objects of the level, change these properties opening the "object properties" with [SHIFT + CTRL + O]

    Object properties example

  • All the elements have different properties:

    • Display is automatic

    • Limit : Id=limit label=#limit

    • Start area : id=TYPEOFGOO-ID-NUMBEROFGOOS label=#startarea (i.e. RMV-0-15)

      the TYPEOFGOO could be: STD (dynamic, when its link is unremovable) or RMV (when its link is removable), BLN (balloon goo) or STK (ultra sticky goo)

      the ID is a number to identify different startarea

      NUMBEROFGOOS is the number of the goos that start from this area

    • Target : id=target:GOAL label=#target

      GOAL is the number of goos to be collected for winning the level

    • Ground : id=WhatYouWant label=#ground

    • GOO : id=TYPEOFGOO-ID label=#goo

      TYPEOFGOO could be: STD (dynamic, when its link is unremovable) or RMV (when its link is removable) and BLN (balloon goo).

      ID is a number to identify different GOO

    • Joint : id=J-ID label=#joint title=GOOID1-GOOID2

      ID is just the id of the joint

      GOOID1 and GOOID2 are the id of the two GOO linked with this joint


      Example of a Joint definition

    • Background : id=WhatYouWant label=#background-LEVEL

      LEVEL is the level or the group of the background object, it must be an integer

    • Thorn : id=WhatYouWant label=#thorn


Save the file and copy the svg into the OpenGOO binary folder (where you have compiled or installed the game) and change the extension from svg to level

WARNING The game have problem in understanding some line object (like background or ground object) if in the xml (the svg file basically is an xml file). A path should be like this (or at least with capital m and capital z in the d sector) Some times in the d sector there are some l not recognized by OpenGOO.




d="m -412.25,1357.8083 3640,-30 -77.4728,-375.9688 -911.8702,-125.43559 -989.8905,43.6266 -319.6893,-3.3833 -14.94139,24.51561 -1511.76601,27.11838 z"




Play the level

Put the level in the 'Levels' folder

Share your levels

Share your levels here: OpenGOO Levels