This code was made to be a simple text to hash convert facilitating the data transport via URL
Using require:
mangoHash = require("mango-hash");
var data = '{"name": "Raul Mangolin"}';
var result = mangoHash(data);
//this will print "rlWhLJ1yVwbtVyWuqJjtGJShM29fnJ4vsD=="
It's simple. Just pass one more parameter true and de hash will be reverted.
mangoHash = require("mango-hash");
var data = 'rlWhLJ1yVwbtVyWuqJjtGJShM29fnJ4vsD==';
var result = mangoHash(data, true);
//this will print "Raul mangolin"
If you want decode this hash in another code language, try to use rot13 and base64 decode like this PHP code bellow:
$hash = 'rlWhLJ1yVwbtVyWuqJjtGJShM29fnJ4vsD==';
echo base64_decode(str_rot13($hash));