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🏁 status: ready for work
:checkered_flag: status: ready for work
Ready for work
💻 type: code
:computer: type: code
For repository code related to the project
🚧 status: blocked
:construction: status: blocked
Blocked and therefore, not ready for work
❔ status: invalid
:grey_question: status: invalid
Inappropriate or invalid
🔨 goal: fix
:hammer: goal: fix
To fix bugs and other issues
⛔ status: wontfix
:no_entry: status: wontfix
Will not be worked on
📄 type: documentation
:page_facing_up: type: documentation
For documentation concerning the project
🤖 type: dx
:robot: type: dx
Concerns developers' experience with the project
✨ goal: enhancement
:sparkles: goal: enhancement
To improve an existing feature
🌟 goal: addition
:star2: goal: addition
To add a new feature
status: in progress
status: in progress
Being currently worked on