This documentation provides an overview and instructions for using the Blog Application, a web application built with React and Node.js. The application allows users to create, read, update, and delete blog posts.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Configuration
- API Endpoints
- Feedback
Before installing and using the Blog Application, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- Node.js (version 12 or higher)
- npm (Node Package Manager) or Yarn
- MongoDB (installed and running)
The Blog Application requires configuration for connecting to the MongoDB database. To configure the application, follow these steps:
- Create the .env file in the project root directory.
- Open the .env file in a text editor.
- Add the CLOUD value to match your MongoDB connection string.
- Add the SECRET value as a String Literal eg. 'keyboard cat'
- Save the .env
To install the Blog Application, follow these steps:
- Clone the repo from GitHub:
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
To start the Blog Application, follow these steps:
- Ensure your MongoDB instance is running.
- Run the application using npm or Yarn:
node server/index
- Open a web browser and visit http://localhost:5400 to access the Blog Application.
with body{username,password} to create user session
with body{username,password} to create new user
to fetch all the blogs
to fetch a respective blog
to create a new blog(authorized access)
to update a blog(authorized access)
to delete a blog(authorized access)
to GET the authenticated user details
to comment on a blog('user should be authenticated')
Give your feedback and report any issues.