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Releases: ManlyMarco/IllusionTrapMods

Become Trap v2.2.1

19 Feb 19:09
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  • 78e222d @ManlyMarco [KKS] Fixed crashing when speaking to the guide or other NPCs as a trap

Become Trap v2.2

26 Dec 17:25
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Koikatsu: Become Trap v2.1

06 Sep 10:50
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  • Fixed some incorrect null reference checks, might fix some rare issues
  • Upgraded to BepInEx 5
  • Use nuget for dependencies

Note: Remove mods\[Marco]Become Trap Resources.zipmod and BepInEx\KK_BecomeTrap.dll files if you have them before installing this version.

AI-Shoujo Reverse Trap v1.0

16 Nov 16:30
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This is a plugin for AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl / AI-Syoujyo that makes it possible to change animations of a female character to those of a male. This makes it look like some girls are actually guys when walking around.

The animations are changed in main game and in maker, not in studio. Animations are changed per-character, you can configure this in character maker in the Body > Overall tab.

How to use

  • To install copy the .dll to BepInEx\plugins.
  • Needs at least BepInEx 5.0 and AIAPI v1.9.4. Latest game patch is also recommended.
  • Start character maker and go to the Body > Overall tab. You should see a new "Male walking animations" toggle, like in the preview picture.
  • To change this feature in a character that you already added to your save, you have to find a character change terminal and edit the character there.

preview anims
preview running

Koikatsu: Become Trap v2.0

04 Aug 18:02
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  • Added option to choose trap's idle animation in maker
  • Moved animation replacing entirely to code - the .zipmod is no longer needed and the plugin is smaller
  • Changed GUI to not be a separate plugin - only 1 plugin load message appears in log now
  • Fixed crash after closing and re-opening male maker
  • Fixed missing startup checks not preventing plugin from loading, which caused further crashes
  • Fixed resource hogging in Free H / VR

Note: The [Marco]Become Trap Resources.zipmod file is no longer necessary and can be removed.

Koikatsu: Become Trap v1.1.1

16 Jun 01:01
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  • Fix compatibility with KKP

Koikatsu: Become Trap v1.1

14 Feb 22:14
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How to update

You will have to remove MakerAPI.dll from your BepInEx folder and download the latest release of KKAPI.


  • Updated to work with KKAPI
  • Changed wording of the maker "is trap" button to include futas
  • Split hooks into a separate class to make the code cleaner

Koikatsu: Become Trap v1.0

07 Feb 19:11
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