AsciiTable shows octal, hexadecimal, decimal and binary representations of ascii characters. It supports all 8-bit(256) ASCII characters. But 7-bit(128) ASCII characters are prefered to be processed.
- Converts ASCII characters to octal, hexadecimal, decimal and binary values.
- Simple and lightweight command-line interface.
- Supports the full range of 256 ASCII characters.
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Binary from it. then add it to the environment variable.
git clone
cd ascii-table
ascii [characters...] [..options]
`--all` shows all available ascii codes
`--digits` shows all digits ascii codes
`--alphas` shows all alphabets ascii codes
`--specials`shows all special char ascii codes
`--controls`shows all control ascii codes (non printables)
`--octa` shows only octa in output table
`--dec` shows only dec in output table
`--hex` shows only hex in output table
`--bin` shows binary in output table
`--asc` shows output table in ascending order
`--desc` shows output table in desending order
`--vt100` register ansi vt100 escape sequence color to the terminal & terminate
`0000b` represents 0 in binary (add b at last)
`0d` represents 0 in decimal (add d at last)
`0o` represents 0 in octal (add o at last)
`0x00` represents 0 in hexa (add 0x at first)
ascii abcd
ascii "manojtgn"
ascii "helloworld"
ascii "make it ascending" --asc
ascii "make it descending" --desc
ascii 0x78
ascii 0x78 69d
ascii 0x78 15c 69d 01001001b
ascii --alphas
ascii --digits --specials
ascii --digits --alphas --specials --controls
ascii --all
ascii "show octal & decimal" --octa --dec
ascii "show only hex" --hex
ascii "add binary representation" --bin
ascii "show only octa & also bin" --octa --bin
ascii --vt100