In this project, a system consisted of AT mega 32, LM35 sensor, 7 segments, and DC motor is constructed. The 3 seven segments show the temperature of the environment, measured by LM35 sensor, up to 1 decimal point. The rotational speed of DC motor varies according to the temperature of the environment. Its maximum speed is in 90 centigrade and minimum speed is in 0 centigrade. The computer shows the temperature, time, and date, received from the microcontroller using USART communication. It is also possible to set the speed of the DC motor manually, and show a desired temperature manually on the segments, using the computer’s serial communication. This system has separated settings for time, date, motor speed, and segments. The user can change all these settings on the ATmega32 microcontroller, using USART communication.
For more accurate information on the code refer to the file: report.pdf
Refer to the proteus file (ff.pdsprj) to see a simulation of the project.