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Analyze twitter tweets and classifying the tweet sentiment as positive, negative or neutral.


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#️⃣Tweet Sentiment Analysis


This project aims to analyze tweets and predict their sentiment using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning models. The goal is to classify tweets into three categories: Neutral, Negative, and Positive.


  • Perform data preprocessing and text cleaning.
  • Use NLP techniques to prepare the text data for model training.
  • Build and train an LSTM model for sentiment analysis.
  • Evaluate the model and make predictions on sample text.

Dataset Description

The dataset contains the following columns:

Column Name Description
Tweets Data in the form of sentences written by individuals
category Sentiment category: 0 (Neutral), -1 (Negative), 1 (Positive)


Data Preparation

  1. Import Libraries and Load Dataset:

    • Import necessary Python libraries such as pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, nltk, and tensorflow.
    • Load the dataset from the provided Excel file into a pandas DataFrame.
  2. Change Dependent Variable to Categorical:

    • Convert the numerical categories (0, -1, 1) to categorical labels ("Neutral," "Negative," "Positive").
  3. Missing Value Analysis:

    • Check for missing values and drop any null/missing values from the dataset.

Text Preprocessing

  1. Clean Text Data:
    • Remove all symbols except alphanumeric characters.
    • Transform all words to lowercase.
    • Remove punctuation, stopwords, and numbers.
    • Perform tokenization, lemmatization, and expand contractions.

Data Splitting

  1. Split Data into Dependent and Independent DataFrames:
    • Separate the tweets (X) from the sentiment categories (y).

Text Data Operations

  1. One-Hot Encoding and Padding:
    • Perform one-hot encoding for each sentence using TensorFlow.
    • Add padding to the sequences from the front side using TensorFlow.

Model Building and Training

  1. Build and Compile LSTM Model:

    • Define the model architecture including input length, vocabulary size, dropout layer, and activation function.
    • Compile the LSTM model.
  2. Dummy Variable Creation:

    • Create dummy variables for the dependent variable categories.
  3. Split Data into Training and Test Sets:

    • Split the data into training and testing sets.

Model Training

  1. Train the Model:
    • Train the LSTM model on the training data.

Model Evaluation

  1. Normalize Predictions:

    • Normalize the prediction results to match the original categories (nearest to 1 is predicted as yes, others as 0).
  2. Measure Performance Metrics:

    • Calculate accuracy, print the classification report, and plot the confusion matrix.

Sample Text Inferences

  1. Make Inferences:
    • Pass sample text through the model and make predictions.

Folder Structure

  • data/: Contains the dataset files.
  • notebooks/: Jupyter notebooks for data analysis, text preprocessing, and model training.
  • src/: Python scripts for data processing, text preprocessing, and model training.
  • api/: Api code (if any).
  • models/: Trained models and saved results.
  • results/: Output files including visualizations, model evaluation metrics, and plots.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd Tweet-Sentiment-Analysis
  2. Install the required libraries:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run Jupyter Notebooks: Navigate to the notebooks/ folder and open the notebooks to explore data analysis and model development.

Results and Findings

EDA Insights:

  • Identified the distribution of tweet sentiments.
  • Found patterns in text data that contribute to sentiment classification.

Model Evaluation:

  • Evaluated the LSTM model and found it to be effective in classifying tweet sentiments.
  • Plotted ROC curves and confusion matrices to compare model performance.


This project successfully analyzed and classified tweet sentiments using NLP techniques and an LSTM model. The findings can help in understanding public opinion and sentiment on various topics.


Analyze twitter tweets and classifying the tweet sentiment as positive, negative or neutral.








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