I use this to control my own fog machine, which does not have a dmx port. But a button. I connected a relay to this button, every time the channel 20 is active as an example, the relay gets turned on.
- 📋 An Arduino or something like an Arduino
- 📋 Some power source, like an old power adapter
- 📋 A "RS-485-Module", here is an link, to amazon
- 📋 A dmx (xlr) port, here is also a link, to amazon
- 📋 Optional an oled display and 3 buttons to set new dmx address and show some stats
- 📋 Some time and good soldering skills
- 📋 If you use a OLED display, google your SCK and SCL port for your arduino
You can find the pre configured ports here
I hope you can read it. On the RS-485 Module, where DMX stands, there you have to connect the dmx pins A and B. The T stands for a button. The button and OLED display is not required but useful.
Not the best solder board but it is working
- GND => GND
- GND => RS-485 DI,DE,RE
- RX => RS-485 RO
- 5V => RS-485 VCC
- 5V => Relay VCC
- D11 => Relay EN
- GND => Relay GND
- 📝 New wiring diagram
- 📝 Clean up the code
- Configure the config for your purpose
- Upload to your arduino
- Test and send bug reports if you found some km3814837@gmail.com 📫
Currently i dont have very much free time, thats why this version have some bugs and i cannot update this project frequently