This is very simple bookmark tool for the easy navigation through the terminal of the most used directories.
git clone
cd bookmarktool
mv .bookmarktool ~/
This will create a file .bookmark.list
that will keep track of the created bookmarks and keep a count of time you have visited each bookmark.
This will also modify your .bashrc
file appending the block below so the tool is available after booting up.
if [ -f ~/ ]; then
. ~/
Once the above is done, for the first time usage you could either restart your machine or just source your .bashrc
to make the above take effect:
source .bashrc
bm [OPTION] [name-of-bookmark] [path-to-directory] OPTIONS -c [create] [name-of-bookmark] [path-to-directory] -r [remove] [name-of-bookmark] -l [list] -s [show] [name-of-bookmark] -v [visit] [name-of-bookmark]