This is an online Grocery Store Software System made for Dr. Kanaan's Grocery Store, using the Agile methodology. This Software System allows customers to create an account which they can use to buy products from their favourite grocery store. Customers can buy products from the ease of their home by having it delivered to their address. However, an option for them to pick up their groceries from an in-store location is also available if they wish to do so. The system will be mainly managed by the owner Dr. Kanaan. He can hire and fire employees from this system, while also allowing him to manage his employee's schedules. He can also decide the business hours of the store as well as occasions of holidays.
: 1766bd0bda93b6655add493bb145aa4dd24414a48a00e8466b9c95b9774f155c
: 0e03c6d3baef79a1dc4fbbb5cee69313ce7d611681861983700930416cb53920
The frontend is deployed to Heroku at grocerystore-frontend-ise2022g . The base URL is
The backend must be running when using the website. In our deployment, we have created a store, all the business hours and the owner in order for it to be secure. Of course, all this information can be modified in our application, except the Store credentials.
To run the project, clone this repository and run the java file
locally as a Spring Boot Application
. In order to choose which database the application runs on, open
and set spring.profiles.default
=test or =prod depending on which one you want to use.
This will deploy the backend here locally.
Heroku hosts the backend here once deployed.
Name | Major | Team Role | Year | GitHub |
Abhijeet Praveen | Computer Engineering | Project Manager | U2 | abhijeetpraveen |
Ari Arabian | Computer Engineering | Testing Engineer | U2 | AriA700 |
Edward Habelrih | Computer Engineering | Testing Engineer | U2 | edwardhab |
Neel Faucher | Computer Engineering | Documentation Manager | U2 | NeelFaucher |
Rooshnie Velautham | Computer Engineering | Software Engineer | U2 | rooshnie23 |
Sébastien Cantin | Computer Engineering | Software Engineer | U2 | seb8stien1 |
Name | Tasks | Time Spent (hrs) |
Abhijeet Praveen |
37 |
Ari Arabian |
37 |
Edward Habelrih |
37 |
Neel Faucher |
25 |
Rooshnie Velautham |
29 |
Sébastien Cantin |
38 |
The deliverable 1 report can be found here
Name | Tasks | Time Spent (hrs) |
Abhijeet Praveen |
77 |
Ari Arabian |
74 |
Edward Habelrih |
74 |
Neel Faucher |
72 |
Rooshnie Velautham |
73 |
Sébastien Cantin |
76 |
The deliverable 2 report can be found here
Name | Tasks | Time Spent (hrs) |
Abhijeet Praveen |
98 |
Ari Arabian |
95 |
Edward Habelrih |
96 |
Neel Faucher |
90 |
Rooshnie Velautham |
96 |
Sébastien Cantin |
98 |
The deliverable 3 report can be found here
Name | Tasks | Time Spent (hrs) |
Abhijeet Praveen |
12 |
Ari Arabian |
3 |
Edward Habelrih |
3 |
Neel Faucher |
3 |
Rooshnie Velautham |
7 |
Sébastien Cantin |
18 |