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Frosted Glass

A Rainmeter plugin that allows you to easily create blur effect on the skin window - (Original work of TheAzack9)

Windows 11 rounded corner style is now supported thanks to khanhas.

Old version.


New Version + Light Backdrop + Not visible Border.



An example of the plugin in use:

Measure = Plugin
Plugin = FrostedGlass
; ==========================
; ==== NOTE: Plugin commands may will not work
; ========== if you add "DynamicVariables=1"
; ========== and if the skin has an update
; ========== cycle, unless you add an
; ========== "UpdateDivider=-1" to the measure.
; ==========================
; ==== Option: BlueEnabled
; ==== Default Value: 1
; ==== Total Values: 0 | 1
; ==== Description: Disable (0) / Enable (1) blur.
; ==== Recommendation: Use "Disabled" option to remove blur.
BlueEnabled = 1
; ==========================
; ==== Option: DarkMode
; ==== Default Value: 0
; ==== Total Values: 0 | 1
; ==== Description: Disable (0) / Enable (1) dark mode for Mica.
; ================= Less (0) / More (1) Shadow for Round Corner.
; ==== Compatibility: Corner(Round), Type(Mica|MicaAcrylic|MicaAlt) required.
; ==== OS: Windows 11 Required.
DarkMode = 1
; ==========================
; ==== Option: MicaOnFocus
; ==== Default Value: 0
; ==== Total Values: 0 | 1
; ==== Description: (0) Mica effect always enabled.
; ================= (1) Allows to use a solid color if the skin loses focus.
; ==== Compatibility: Type(Mica|MicaAcrylic|MicaAlt) required.
; ==== OS: Windows 11 Required.
; ==== Recommendation: The skin must have an update cycle and the measure too.
MicaOnFocus = 0
; ==========================
; ==== Option: Type
; ==== Default Value: None
; ==== Total Values: None | Blur | Acrylic | Mica | MicaAcrylic | MicaAlt
; ==== Description: Apply a transparency effect to the skin.
; ==== Compatibility: Mica effect requires Windows 11.
Type = Acrylic
; ==========================
; ==== Option: Border
; ==== Default Value: None
; ==== Total Values: None | Top | Left | Right | Bottom | All
; ==== Description: Apply a border effect to the skin.
; ==== Compatibility: Not available if any Corner is enabled.
; =================== Not available if Mica effect is enabled.
Border = Top | Bottom
; ==========================
; ==== Option: Corner
; ==== Default Value: None
; ==== Total Values: None | Round | RoundWs | RoundSmall
; ==== Description: Add round corners to the skin
; ==== OS: Windows 11 Required.
Corner = Round
; ==========================
; ==== Option: BorderVisible
; ==== Default Value: 1
; ==== Total Values: 0 | 1
; ==== Description: Remove (0) / Add (1) border if any Corner is enabled. 
; ==== Compatibility: Corner(Round|RoundSmall) required.
; ==== OS: Windows 11 Required.
BorderVisible = 1
; ==========================
; ==== Option: Backdrop
; ==== Default Value: Dark
; ==== Total Values: Dark | Dark2 | Dark3 | Dark4 | Dark5 
; ================== Light | Light2 | Light3 | Light4 | Light5
; ================== DarkBase | LightBase
; ==== Description: Add a tint to the acrylic effect.
; ==== Compatibility: Type(Acrylic) required.
; ==== OS: Windows 11 Required.
Backdrop = LightBase
; ==========================
; ==== Option: Effect
; ==== Default Value: None
; ==== Total Values: None | Luminance
; ==== Description: Increase the tint luminosity from the 
; ================= <Backdrop> option.
; ==== Compatibility: Type(Acrylic) required.
; ==== OS: Windows 11 Required.
; ==== Recommendation: Use with Backdrop(LightBase|DarkBase).
Effect = Luminance
; ==========================
UpdateDivider = 1


Windows 10/11 bangs:


  • ToggleBlur, EnableBlur, DisableBlur
  • SetBlur : Set Blur type.

Windows 11 bangs:


  • ToggleMode
  • LightMode : Light Mode if Mica is enabled | Reduces shadows for round corner.
  • DarkMode : Dark mode if Mica is enabled | Increase the shadow for round corner.


  • ToggleFocus
  • SetFocus : Set the focus on the skin if there's not mica effect.
  • EnableFocus : Enable the focus detection.
  • DisableFocus : Disable the focus detection, mica effect is always enabled.


  • SetBlur Acrylic : Set Acrylic type.
  • SetBlur Mica : Set Mica type. (DarkMode Compability).
  • SetBlur Mica Acrylic : Set MicaAcrylic type. (DarkMode Compability).
  • SetBlur Mica Alt : Set MicaAlt type. (DarkMode Compability).


  • ToggleCorner, EnableCorner, DisableCorner
  • SetCorner Round : Set Round Corner. (DarkMode Compability).
  • SetCorner RoundSmall : Set Round Small Corner.


  • ToggleBorders, EnableBorders, DisableBorders


  • ToggleBackdrop, EnableBackdrop, DisableBackdrop
  • SetBackdrop Dark 1, SetBackdrop Dark 2, SetBackdrop Dark 3, SetBackdrop Dark 4, SetBackdrop Dark 5
  • SetBackdrop Light 1,SetBackdrop Light 2,SetBackdrop Light 3,SetBackdrop Light 4,SetBackdrop Light 5

Minimum Requirements:

  • Windows 10 or higher
  • Rainmeter or higher

Note: You will need Windows 11 for the next options to work!

  • DarkMode
  • MicaOnFocus
  • Corner
  • Backdrop
  • BorderVisible


Download the latest version from Releases tab. Install the skin by double-clicking the .rmskin file and follow the steps in the installer.


You can also download the .zip file if you want to bundle the plugin in your skin.


This project is the work of TheAzack9 with the modification for Win 11 style support added by khanhas, compiled the project and packaged the plugin for public use by Meti0X7CB.

  • KazukiGames82 added new functions and fixed mesaure commands.


FrostedGlass plugin for Rainmeter







  • C++ 88.4%
  • C 11.6%