MidnightBSD Security Advisories - Vulnerability Disclosure
Advisories live in the vulns directory and use a YAML encoding of the OSV format.
This repository is for MidnightBSD base system and mport package manager security vulnerabilities only.
This is unrelated to the MidnightBSD Security Advisory webapp which displays CVEs and is integrated with the mport package manager and advisory.pl perl scripts for checking packages installed outside of the base system.
Existing entries can be edited by simply creating a pull request.
To introduce a new entry, create a pull request with a new file that has a name matching MNBSD-<latest-id.txt + 1>-.yaml.
Increment the file latest-id.txt
in your pull request.
MidnightBSD operating system vulnerabilities for the base system should
be put in the vulns/midnightbsd
mport package manager security advisories should be put in the vulns/mport
Ecosystem entries should be MidnightBSD or mport
Vulnerabilities should be pulled from a source like Github or the NVD CVE feeds. These will be properly vetted and approved.