This project is intended for those who want to use their mobile phone, with Samsung DeX capabilities, specifically for coding. Below are the steps to follow:
- Generate a Personal Access Token:
- First, set up your personal GitHub account by generating a personal access token (classic mode). Make sure to grant the necessary permissions.
- Install MGit:
- Enter your GitHub username and the email address associated with your GitHub account.
- Generate a new SSH key within the MGit app and import it into your GitHub account under the SSH and GPG Keys section.
- To clone a repository to your phone's storage, you can use the MGit app.
- After cloning a repository to your phone's storage, you can add or delete files as needed. To push these changes to your personal GitHub repository, follow these steps:
Clone the Personal Repository:
- Use MGit to clone your personal repository to your phone's storage.
Make the Desired Changes:
- Make any changes you want to the files in the repository.
Stage, Commit, and Push:
- Execute the following commands in MGit:
add all to stage
- During the push, a prompt will appear indicating that you don't have the correct credentials. Close this prompt and enter:
- Author: your GitHub username
- Password: the personal access token you created on GitHub
- Execute the following commands in MGit:
Successful Push:
- After entering the credentials, the push will be successfully executed to your personal repository on GitHub.
- To edit files in the repository, you can use various applications like Codespace, Stackblitz, or Codesandbox.
In locally installed coding applications on your phone, entire folders cannot be uploaded due to the FileSystem API limitations of browsers.
This detailed guide should help users set up and use their mobile phones for coding with Samsung DeX and mGit.