Install Rouge Package which used for summarization generation task
1、git clone
2、进入Linux服务器(Go into Linux)
cd ROUGE-1.5.5/
chmod 777 *.pl ###给pl文件可执行权限
cd data/
rm WordNet-2.0.exc.db
cd WordNet-2.0-Exceptions/
sudo chmod 777
./ . exc WordNet-2.0.exc.db ###注意给.pl文件可执行权限
cd ..
ln -s WordNet-2.0-Exceptions/WordNet-2.0.exc.db WordNet-2.0.exc.db
3、下载pyrouge(Download pyrouge)
注意不要从pip安装,会出现问题,在shell中输入以下命令安装。(notice:Do not use pip command to install pyrouge or you will get an error.Please enter the command under this to install!!!)
cd pyrouge
pip install -e .
pyrouge_set_rouge_path </absolute/path/to/ROUGE-1.5.5/directory>(这一步是ROUGE1.5.5路径)
python -m pyrouge.test
如果最后一步执行成功则成功安装!!(if the last command successfully run, then it has been successfully installed!!!)