This is a radare2 core plugin. It aims to make radare2 integrates with FIRST (Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool) server.
Please look below to find links to the various FIRST components.
- FIRST server ( The source code for the FIRST server component. Documentaiton can be found in the repo or at
- FIRST Integration - IDA Pro ( The source code for the FIRST IDA Pro integration. Documentation can be found in the repo or at
- Modify first.config to set the host and your FIRST token (by default it is set to connect to FIRST online server).
- Execute
- radare2
- curl
Usage: Fst[?asug] FIRST plugin
| Fst test connection to server
| Fst? show this help
| Fsta [func] add function to FIRST
| Fstaa add all functions to FIRST
| Fstaac [comment] add all functions to FIRST with a comment
| Fstd [addr] delete annotation from FIRST
| Fstdd [id] delete annotation from FIRST of a function that don't exist in this file (you can see all created annotations using Fstgc)
| Fstg get annotations saved in FIRST
| Fstgc get all created annotations saved in FIRST (this does not depend on the opened file)
| Fsth [addr] get annotation history of a function
| Fsthh [id] get annotation history of a function that don't exist in this file (you can see all created annotations using Fstgc)
| Fst+ [addr] [id] apply annotations
| Fsts [func] scan for similar functions in FIRST
| Fstsa scan all functions for similar functions in FIRST