Openocean is a decentralized marketplace similar to OpenSea, but it differentiates itself by operating on the blockchain. This unique integration allows Openocean to leverage the advanced features and capabilities of the platform, providing users with a secure, efficient, and innovative environment for trading digital assets and collectibles.
Once you finished setting up your gno environment, you will have access to some tools like, gnodev.
git clone
cd openocean
gnodev contract
Before launching the frontend don't forget to create a new .env file, for that you can copy the current example file:
cd frontend
cp .env.dist .env
You will see some default values, you will need to add a Pinata API key and also a gateway.
To launch the frontend, open a new terminal and use the next commands:
bun install
bun run dev
Made with ❤️ by:
Alex |
Mohammed |