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Merge pull request #117 from arulalant/master
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Support for EPS Average VSDB Input
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arulalant authored Jul 26, 2016
2 parents 5688794 + a8eafaf commit aacf1fa
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Showing 12 changed files with 356 additions and 13 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def createTarBalls(path, today, utc, stephr=3):
# Lets create tar ball for every day individually.
for i, hr in enumerate(range(0, 241, 24)):
# create forecast files tar file in parallel # -m500 need to be include for pbzip2
cmd = "tar -c ./fcst_{%s..%d}h%s*.grb2 | %s -v -c -f -p32 > %s/fcst_day%s_solar_ind_0.25_%s.tar.gz" % (str(hr+1).zfill(2), hr+24, today, pigz, '../TarFiles', str(hr).zfill(2), today)
cmd = "tar -c ./fcst_{%s..%d}h%s*.grb2 | %s -v -c -f -p32 > %s/fcst_day%s_solar_ind_0.25_%s.tar.gz" % (str(hr+1).zfill(2), hr+24, today, pigz, '../TarFiles', str(i+1).zfill(2), today)
print cmd, shell=True)
# end of for i, hr in enumerate(range(0, 241, 24)):
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,21 +3,16 @@ set -x



mkdir -p $OUTDIR

cp /gpfs3/home/umfcst/ShortJobs/NCUMReg_WIND_ENERGY/0.04/TarFiles/WindEnergy.India.0.04.$date$cyc.tar.gz $OUTDIR/
cp -r latlon.csv ${OUTDIR}/


rm -f *.nc
rm -f *tar.gz
rm -f wind*csv
cp /gpfs3/home/umfcst/ShortJobs/NCUMReg_WIND_ENERGY/0.04/TarFiles/WindEnergy.India.0.04.$date$cyc.tar.gz .

tar -zxf WindEnergy.India.0.04.$date$cyc.tar.gz
for tt in {01..72..01} ; do
Expand All @@ -31,6 +26,8 @@ OUTFILE=wind50reg${date}${cyc}.zip

zip $OUTFILE wind50*csv
rm -f wind50*csv
rm -f *tar.gz
rm -f *.nc

ssh ncmlogin3 "scp -p $OUTDIR/$OUTFILE prod@ftp:/data/energon/4km/"
Expand Down
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions bsubScripts/ncumeps_global_post/
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@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

## This is call back script which will be executed after created the grib2 files.
## After created NCUM_EPS grib2 files (which contain all 45 members in it), lets
## do calculate mean over all 45 members and then convert to 2.5X2.5 degree
## resolution, finally convert to grib1 format for vsdb input purpose.
## Arulalan.T
## 25-July-2016.

import os, subprocess, datetime, getopt, sys, iris, numpy, time
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../g2utils')))
from cubeutils import cubeRealizationAverager
from um2grb2 import tweaked_messages, getCubeData, createDirWhileParallelRacing

neededVars = [
## Pressure Level Variable names & STASH codes
('geopotential_height', 'm01s16i202'),
('x_wind', 'm01s15i243'),
('y_wind', 'm01s15i244'),
('air_temperature', 'm01s16i203'),
('relative_humidity', 'm01s16i256'),
## Non Pressure Level Variable names & STASH codes
('air_pressure_at_sea_level', 'm01s16i222'),

#Define _precipVars_
# The following vars should contains only precipitation, rainfall, snow
# variables, those whose regrid extrapolate should be only in 'linear' mode
# and not in 'mask' mode, and should not have -ve values.
_precipVars_ = [('precipitation_amount', 'm01s05i226'),]

g2ctl = "/gpfs2/home/umtid/Softwares/grib2ctl/"
grib2ctl = "/gpfs2/home/umtid/Softwares/grib2ctl/"
gribmap = "/gpfs1/home/Libs/GNU/GRADS/grads-2.0.2.oga.1/Contents/gribmap"
cnvgrib = "/gpfs1/home/Libs/INTEL/CNVGRIB/CNVGRIB-1.4.1/cnvgrib-1.4.1/cnvgrib"
wgrib2 = "/gpfs1/home/Libs/GNU/WGRIB2/v2.0.1/wgrib2"

_targetGridFile_ = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/sample_global_2p5X2p5_73X144.grib2'))
_targetGrid_ = iris.load(_targetGridFile_)[0]

__grib1FilesNameSuffix__ = None
__wgrib2Arguments__ = ' -set_bin_prec 12 -set_grib_type complex2 -grib_out '
__OVERWRITE__ = True

def createENSavg_VSDB_Grib1Files(inpath, outpath, today, utc, start_long_fcst_hour, stephr=24):

day = int(start_long_fcst_hour) / int(stephr)
pfileday = str(day).zfill(2)
pfilename = 'umeps_prg_1cntl_44ens_24hourly_day' + pfileday
needed_fname = pfilename + '_' + today + '_' + utc + 'Z.grib2'
files = [f for f in os.listdir(inpath) if f == needed_fname]
if not files: return

tDay = datetime.datetime.strptime(today, "%Y%m%d")
tvDay = tDay.strftime('%d%m%y')

opath = os.path.join(outpath, today)

g2filepath = os.path.join(opath, 'prg_' + today + pfileday + '.grib2')
if __OVERWRITE__ and os.path.isfile(g2filepath): os.remove(g2filepath)

wg2filename = 'prg%d%sz%s.grib2' % (day, utc.zfill(2), tvDay)
wg2filepath = os.path.join(opath, wg2filename)
if __OVERWRITE__ and os.path.isfile(wg2filepath): os.remove(wg2filepath)

ensfpath = os.path.join(inpath, files[0])
inf = iris.load(ensfpath)
for varName, varSTASH in neededVars:
# define variable name constraint
varConstraint = iris.Constraint(name=varName)
print varName, varSTASH
ensCube = inf.extract(varConstraint)
if not ensCube: continue
print "doing members average for", varName
# do average over ensembles (1 control + 44 ensemble members)
ensAvgCube = cubeRealizationAverager(ensCube[0])
# make memory free
del ensCube

if (varName, varSTASH) in _precipVars_:
# DO NOT APPLY iris.analysis.Linear(extrapolation_mode='mask'),
# which writes nan every where for the snowfall_flux,
# rainfall_flux, precipitation_flux. So donot apply that.
exmode = 'linear'
# In general all the other variables should not be
# extrapolated over masked grid points.
exmode = 'mask'
# end of if (...):

scheme = iris.analysis.Linear(extrapolation_mode=exmode)
# This lienar interpolate will do extra polate over ocean even
# though original data doesnt have values over ocean and wise versa.
# So lets be aware of this.
regdCube = ensAvgCube.regrid(_targetGrid_, scheme)
except Exception as e:
print "ALERT !!! Error while regridding!! %s" % str(e)
print " So skipping this without saving data"
# end of try:

# make memory free
del ensAvgCube

if (varName, varSTASH) in _precipVars_:
# Since we are not using 'mask' option for extrapolate while
# doing linear regrid, which bring -ve values after regrid in
# extrapolated grids. So lets make it as 0 as minimum value.[ < 0.0] = 0.0
# end of if (varName, varSTASH) in _precipVars_:

if exmode == 'mask': =,
dtype=numpy.float64, fill_value=9.999e+20)

print regdCube
# save into grib2 file
g2filepath, append=True) # save grib2 file

print "Appending %s to grib2 file" % varName
# make memory free
del regdCube
# end of for varName, varSTASH in neededVars:

# execute post wgrib2 command compression algorithm
cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (wgrib2, g2filepath, __wgrib2Arguments__, wg2filepath)
print cmd, shell=True)
# remove the grib2 file generated by IRIS
# rename g2filepath as wg2filepath
g2filepath = wg2filepath
print "Created grib2 file using wgrib2 command with compress arguments "

# Conver grib2 to grib1
g1filepath = '.'.join(g2filepath.split('.')[:-1])
g1filepath = g1filepath if g1filepath else g2filepath[:-1]
if __grib1FilesNameSuffix__: g1filepath += str(__grib1FilesNameSuffix__)

if os.path.isfile(g1filepath): os.remove(g1filepath)

cmd = [cnvgrib, '-g21', g2filepath, g1filepath], shell=False)
cmd = ['chmod', '644', g1filepath], shell=False)
print "Converted grib2 to grib1 file : -", g1filepath
# end of def createTarBalls(path, today, ...):

if __name__ == '__main__':

date = None
inpath = None
oftype = None
utc = None
outpath = '/gpfs3/home/umeps/EPS/ShortJobs/NCUM_EPS_VSDB_Input'

helpmsg = './ --date=20160302 --outpath=path --oftype=forecast --utc=00 --start_long_fcst_hour=24 --end_long_fcst_hour=24 --fcst_step_hour=24'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:o:t:z:s:e:i", ["date=",
"outpath=", "oftype=", "utc=", "start_long_fcst_hour=", "end_long_fcst_hour=", "fcst_step_hour="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print helpmsg
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print helpmsg
elif opt in ("-d", "--date"):
date = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--outpath"):
inpath = arg
elif opt in ("-t", "--oftype"):
oftype = arg
elif opt in ("-z", "--utc"):
utc = arg
elif opt in ("-s", "--start_long_fcst_hour"):
start_long_fcst_hour = arg
elif opt in ("-e", "--end_long_fcst_hour"):
end_long_fcst_hour = arg
elif opt in ("-i", "--fcst_step_hour"):
fcst_step_hour = arg
# end of for opt, arg in opts:

# create tar balls only if forecast & utc is 00, otherwise skip it!
if oftype == 'forecast' and utc == '00' and fcst_step_hour == '24':
# pass the arg to function
createENSavg_VSDB_Grib1Files(inpath, outpath, date, utc, start_long_fcst_hour, stephr=fcst_step_hour)
# end of if oftype == 'forecast' and utc == '00':
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions bsubScripts/ncumeps_global_post/ncumeps_global_post_anl_00Z.bash
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#BSUB -a poe # set parallel operating environment
#BSUB -J umeps2g2anl # job name
#BSUB -W 06:00 # wall-clock time (hrs:mins)
#BSUB -n 16 # number of tasks in job
#BSUB -x
#BSUB -R span[ptile=16]
#BSUB -R rusage[mem=61440]
#BSUB -q small # queue
#BSUB -e /gpfs3/home/umeps/UMRiderLogs/post/bsub/um2grb2.anl.00hr.err.%J.%I.hybrid # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
#BSUB -o /gpfs3/home/umeps/UMRiderLogs/post/bsub/um2grb2.anl.00hr.out.%J.%I.hybrid # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID

# find out the directory of this bash script after submitted to bsub
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}" )" && pwd )"

# get the absolute path of the local table
localTable_absolute_dir="$( cd "$localTable_relative_dir" && pwd )"

# get the absolute path of the script for forecast 00utc
g2scripts_absolute_dir="$( cd "$g2scripts_relative_dir" && pwd )"

# export the configure paths to needed variables
export UMRIDER_SETUP=$DIR/ncumeps_global_post_um2grb2_24hourly_setup.cfg ## yes, this is correct program.
export UMRIDER_VARS=$DIR/ncumeps_global_post_um2grb2_anl_vars.cfg
export GRIB2TABLE=$localTable

echo "export GRIB2TABLE="$GRIB2TABLE

# sourcing umtid_bashrc to load module python-uvcdat-iris!
#source "$DIR/../umtid_bashrc"
# execute the script
#srun -n 1 -c 64 python $g2script

export SHELL=/bin/bash

hour=0 # 0 will produce 0th hour prognostic data (equivalent to analysis)
echo "hour="${hour}

python $g2script --start_long_fcst_hour=${hour} --end_long_fcst_hour=${hour}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
#BSUB -R span[ptile=16]
#BSUB -R rusage[mem=61440]
#BSUB -q ensemble # queue
#BSUB -e /gpfs3/home/umeps/UMRiderLogs/post/bsub/um2grb2.fcst.00hr.err.%J.hybrid # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
#BSUB -o /gpfs3/home/umeps/UMRiderLogs/post/bsub/um2grb2.fcst.00hr.out.%J.hybrid # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
#BSUB -e /gpfs3/home/umeps/UMRiderLogs/post/bsub/um2grb2.fcst.06hr.err.%J.hybrid # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
#BSUB -o /gpfs3/home/umeps/UMRiderLogs/post/bsub/um2grb2.fcst.06hr.out.%J.hybrid # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID

# find out the directory of this bash script after submitted to bsub
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}" )" && pwd )"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -242,6 +242,6 @@ wgrib2Arguments = -ncpu 4 -set_bin_prec 12 -set_grib_type complex2 -append -grib
## '--outpath' -> out files path,
## '--oftype' -> 'analysis' or 'forecast'
## '--utc' -> UTC cycle value in string ('00' or '06' or '12' or '18')
callBackScript = None
callBackScript = ./

############ END OF UMRIDER SETUP CONFIGURE FOR um2grb2 SCRIPTS ##############
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
## vars configure file: Used for the purpose of um2grb2 conversion of only ##
## needed NCUM model out variables. um2grb2 python parallel scripts will ##
## create analysis and forecast files, by conveting to gri2 file only for ##
## for the following cf_standard_name and varSTASH coded vars. ##
## ##
## Author : Arulalan <> ##
## Updated : 18-Feb-2016 ##

## Pressure Level Variable names & STASH codes

('geopotential_height', 'm01s16i202')
('relative_humidity', 'm01s16i256')
('x_wind', 'm01s15i243')
('y_wind', 'm01s15i244')
('upward_air_velocity', 'm01s15i242')
('air_temperature', 'm01s16i203')
('air_pressure_at_sea_level', 'm01s16i222')
('surface_air_pressure', 'm01s00i409')
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bsubScripts/umtid_bashrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ module load GNU-qt/4.8.4
module load GNU-gribapi/1.13.1
module load GNU-wgrib2/2.0.4
module load cnvgrib/1.4.1
module load GNU-grads/grads-2.1.a2
# end of moulde load
Binary file added data/sample_global_2p5X2p5_73X144.grib2
Binary file not shown.

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