Playing with Doubly Linked List
- insertFront(e): Adds an element at the beginning of the list
- insertBack(e): Adds an element at the end of the list.
- insertAt(e): Adds an element at the specific position of the list.
- insertBefore(e, node): Adds an element in front of the specific node.
- remove(key): Removes an element from the list using the key.
- remove(Node): Removes the specific node from the list.
- removeAt(index): Removes a node from the list at the specific position.
- removeFirst(): Removes the first node from the list.
- removeLast(): Removes the last node from the list.
- swapEnds(): Swaps the first and the last node.
- swapNodes(node1, node2): Swaps two specific nodes.
- swapNodes(index1, index2): Swaps nodes at the specific positions.
- swapValues(index1, index2): Swaps the values of the nodes at the specific positions.
- print(): Displays the complete list in a forward manner.
- printReverse(): Displays the complete list in a backward manner.