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PoseCNN-PyTorch: A PyTorch Implementation of the PoseCNN Framework for 6D Object Pose Estimation


We implement PoseCNN in PyTorch in this project.

PoseCNN is an end-to-end Convolutional Neural Network for 6D object pose estimation. PoseCNN estimates the 3D translation of an object by localizing its center in the image and predicting its distance from the camera. The 3D rotation of the object is estimated by regressing to a quaternion representation. arXiv, Project

Rotation regression in PoseCNN cannot handle symmetric objects very well. Check PoseRBPF for a better solution for symmetric objects.

The code also supports pose refinement by matching segmented 3D point cloud of an object to its SDF.


PoseCNN-PyTorch is released under the NVIDIA Source Code License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


If you find the package is useful in your research, please consider citing:

    Author = {Yu Xiang and Tanner Schmidt and Venkatraman Narayanan and Dieter Fox},
    Title = {{PoseCNN}: A Convolutional Neural Network for {6D} Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Scenes},
    booktitle = {Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS)},
    Year = {2018}

Required environment

  • Ubuntu 16.04 or above
  • PyTorch 0.4.1 or above
  • CUDA 9.1 or above


Use python3. If ROS is needed, compile with python2.

  1. Install PyTorch

  2. Install Eigen from the Github source code here

  3. Install Sophus from the Github source code here

  4. Install python packages

    pip install -r requirement.txt
  5. Initialize the submodules in ycb_render

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  6. Compile the new layers under $ROOT/lib/layers we introduce in PoseCNN

    cd $ROOT/lib/layers
    sudo python install
  7. Compile cython components

    cd $ROOT/lib/utils
    python build_ext --inplace
  8. Compile the ycb_render in $ROOT/ycb_render

    cd $ROOT/ycb_render
    sudo python develop


  • 3D models of YCB Objects we used here (3G). Save under $ROOT/data or use a symbol link.

  • Our pre-trained checkpoints here (4G). Save under $ROOT/data or use a symbol link.

  • Our real-world images with pose annotations for 20 YCB objects collected via robot interation here (53G). Check our ICRA 2020 paper for details.

Running the demo

  1. Download 3D models and our pre-trained checkpoints first.

  2. run the following script


Training your own models with synthetic data for YCB objects

  1. Download background images, and save to $ROOT/data or use symbol links.

    • Our own images here (7G)
    • COCO 2014 images here
    • Or use your own background images
  2. Download pretrained VGG16 weights: here (528M). Put the weight file to $ROOT/data/checkpoints. If our pre-trained models are already downloaded, the VGG16 checkpoint should be in $ROOT/data/checkpoints already.

  3. Training and testing for 20 YCB objects with synthetic data. Modify the configuration file for training on a subset of these objects.

    cd $ROOT
    # multi-gpu training, use 1 GPU or 2 GPUs since batch size is set to 2
    # testing on synthetic data, $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
    ./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID

Training and testing on the YCB-Video dataset

  1. Download the YCB-Video dataset from here.

  2. Create a symlink for the YCB-Video dataset

    cd $ROOT/data/YCB_Video
    ln -s $ycb_data data
  3. Training and testing on the YCB-Video dataset

    cd $ROOT
    # multi-gpu training, use 1 GPU or 2 GPUs since batch size is set to 2
    # testing, $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
    ./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID

Training and testing on the DexYCB dataset

  1. Download the DexYCB dataset from here.

  2. Create a symlink for the DexYCB dataset

    cd $ROOT/data/DEX_YCB
    ln -s $dex_ycb_data data
  3. Training and testing on the DexYCB dataset

    cd $ROOT
    # multi-gpu training for different splits, use 1 GPU or 2 GPUs since batch size is set to 2
    # testing, $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
    # our trained models are in
    ./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID $EPOCH
    ./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID $EPOCH
    ./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID $EPOCH
    ./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID $EPOCH

Running with ROS on a Realsense Camera for real-world pose estimation

  • Python2 is needed for ROS.

  • Make sure our pretrained checkpoints are downloaded.

# start realsense
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_aligned_depth.launch tf_prefix:=measured/camera

# start rviz
rosrun rviz rviz -d ./ros/posecnn.rviz

# run posecnn for detection only (20 objects), $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID

# run full posecnn (20 objects), $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
./experiments/scripts/ $GPU_ID

Our example: