This repository contains the data, analysis code and experimental code supporting:
Dijkstra, Mazor, Kok & Fleming (2021) "Mistaking imagination for reality: congruent mental imagery leads to more liberal perceptual detection"
The 'ExperimentX/' folders contain .mat files for each participant with trial by trial data in the 'data' variable and summary stats such as d' and criterion in the 'results' variable. NOTE: you need to unzip these files before the analyses code can be run.
The 'ExperimentX/Analyses' folders contain all scipts required for analysis. Each 'MasterWrapper.m' will run through all necessary steps and automatically plot the main figures. The 'check_data.m' scripts check the data based on the exclusion criteria in the paper and output a 1 if the participant should be included and a 0 if not.
The 'ExperimentX/jsPsych' folders contain the .html code to run the experiment online using jsPsych.
The '' file contains the stimulus images which need to be unzipped in the experiment folders so that jsPsych can load them.