Rigel Overwatch External Cheat | Aimbot, Esp Flickbot, Prediction, Etc. | Source Code + Complied Exe
For manual updates, check this: https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/overwatch/632941-rigel-external-updated.html
Complied Exe: https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=46201
To use the source for people unfamiliar, it requires visual studio, open example.sln, change it from Debug mode to Release mode. Build solution.
A common error reported in the thread is "cannot open source file 'atlstr.h"
That's supposed to be included in the Desktop development with C++ install package. When installing it and you pick Desktop Development with c++, on the side under optional make sure you enabled C++ ATL for latest build tools and MFC too.
You can either use Themida or VMProtect Demo to protect the compiled file example.exe (if it gets deleted turn off windows defender auto deleting the compiled file).
You'll get banned otherwise.
To use VMProtect, open it, drop the compiled file in it from x64 folder (example.exe), click the second 'star' icon on the left panel that says functions, choose EntryPoint then on the right side under Protection category you want to use the mouse wheel to move it from None to Ultra (Mutation+Virtualization). Click the start button to compile it, click no to saving and running it now, then close vmp. You can rename the file after this from e.g. example.vmp.exe to whatever.exe.
((rename the file from example.exe to anything else if you don't see entrypoint))
For Themida, open the file in it, open the protection options and choose entry point virtualization, then all you do is click protect.
Insert opens and closes menu
Open the protected example.vmp.exe file as admin(or w,e it was renamed to), open overwatch, go into practice range, pick a character. ((Make sure real-time protection on windows defender is disabled or it'll auto delete the file and close it on you in game.))
If it doesn't work for you, try a few times, the GetGlobalKey function might not work for some PCs.