This is the code we used for our robot from the 2024 season. We had a lot of issues during the build season this year after attempting to get swerve working, and ended up sticking with a modified 2024 Everybot.
- Shot Notes (at an angle) into the speaker by speeding up shooter motor in advance and using feeder motor to feed note into the shooter motor
- Used claw to place notes into amp
- Intake from Source (this improved throughout season, but improvements were mostly mechanical)
- Climber with improvised ratchet (a wrench) that only went one way and had to be manually reset after each match
- Drive Train that was actually reliable for once
- Autos that used NavX gyros to score into either speaker or amp
- USBCamera can be plugged into the Limelight and both will show up on SmartDashboard
- Shooter propelled note the furthest when shooter and feeder motors ran at same speed
- Swerve (Looking pretty good so far)
- Automatically selecting autos based on alliance color (might be stuff left over in robotcontainer from us trying to do this earlier)
- Get a real ratchet
- Figure out how to reduce delay between robot detecting gyro angle and stopping robot from turning.
- Limelight