An Objective-C block-based, ARC, API wrapper for the complete Instagram API for iOS
This project installs as a cocoapods pod in your project by pasting this line in your Podfile:
pod 'NRGramKit'
Optionally to make sure you are using the latest version you can specify the podfile linked directly from the official NRGramKit repository:
pod 'NRGramKit', :podspec => ''
Create an application at and create a new plist file in your project called NRGramKitConfigs.plist with the following keys:
Use the provided class methods to make instagram calls and receive the data using the provided blocks, asynchronously.
Just provide NRGramKit with a webview that you display where you want and when you want so it can handle the login process. NRGramKit remembers everything it needs after the process is finished.
[NRGramKit loginInWebView:self.webView loginLoadingCallback:^(BOOL loading){
//you can show a spinner while the webview is loading
finishedCallback:^(IGUser* user,NSString* error) {
// yay - you are now authenticated, NRGramKit remembers the credentials
You can check if you're authenticated using
[NGGramKit isLoggedIn];
Or get info about the current user using
[NGGramKit loggedInUser];
###Unauthenticated calls
All the calls to the service are done asynchronously and are block-based
[NRGramKit getMediaPopularWithCallback:^(NSArray* popularMedia,IGPagination* pagination)
{ = popularMedia;
Authenticated calls will simply fail if you don't login first
[NRGramKit getMediaInUserLikedCount:25 withCallback:^(NSArray* likedFeed, IGPagination* pagination)
{ = likedFeed;
NRGramKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.