A script for the sitemap generation. The script will create a sitemap with links & images and will compress it.
Run the following command :
php composer.phar require nidextc/sitemap-generator
or add the following to your composer.json file :
"nidextc/sitemap-generator": "dev-master"
SitemapGenerator requires PHP 5.3.0 or later.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use SeoTools\SitemapGenerator;
$sitemapGenerator = new SitemapGenerator('http://www.alexis-ducerf.fr', 50000, date('Y-m-d'), 'monthly');
Parameters | Detail |
http://www.alexis-ducerf.fr | the absolute URL of the website |
50000 | The max number of pages crawled (50000 is the limit for Google) |
date('Y-m-d') | If the server don't send the last modification date, set it as default |
monthly | The pages modification frequency |