Hello and Welcome to my Portfolio Folder!
This repository contains documents for all the major projects that I completed as part of my Master of Data Science and Analytics program at Ryerson University.
It includes the following:
- ADV_Final_Project-Copy_updated (IPython Notebook Script of Final Project for the Course Advanced Data Visualization)
- ADV_Presentation_Final (PowerPoint Presentation of Final Project for the Course Advanced Data Visualization)
- Project Documentation ADV_updated (PDF Report of Final Project for the Course Advanced Data Visualization)
- Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency Calculation in Map Reduce using Hadoop (PDF Report of Final Project for the Course Management of Big Data and Big Data Tools)
- Fake_News_Generator_Detector (IPython Notebook Script of Final Project for the Course Natural Language Processing)
Hopefully, you will find these archives interesting.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at nilufa.yeasmin@ryerson.ca or 437-775-2095 for any further questions, comments, feedback or suggestions.
Nilufa Yeasmin