** shakespeare_100.txt - The input data file to count the occurences of each word
[root@sandbox lab]# hadoop jar /usr/hdp/ -file /root/lab/ mapper_word_counts.py -mapper mapper_word_counts.py -file /root/lab/ reducer_word_counts.py -reducer reducer_word_counts.py –input /user/root/shakespeare_100.txt -output /user/root/shakespeare_streaming_out
• [root@sandbox lab]# hadoop fs -ls /user/root/shakespeare_streaming_out
• [root@sandbox lab]# hadoop fs –cat /user/root/shakespeare_streaming_out/part-00000 | tail -n 15
** u.data- The dataset has 100000 ratings by 943 users on 1682 movies.
The file has 4 tab ("\t") separated columns.
** u.item - Information about the items (movies); this is a tab separated file with 3 columns.
The first column is movie id, the second column ismovie name, and the third column is release date.
** u.join - Data from u.data and u.item combined.
The first column column has "A" or "B". "A" denotes u.data and "B" denotes u.item.less.
You can use it for the Map-Reduce job for the question number 2.
[root@sandbox lab]# hadoop jar /usr/hdp/ -file /root/lab/ wc_mapper_movie_rating.py -mapper wc_mapper_movie_rating.py -file /root/lab/ wc_reducer_movie_rating.py -reducer wc_reducer_movie_rating.py –input /user/root/u.join -output /user/root/join_streaming_out
• [root@sandbox lab]# hadoop fs -ls /user/root/join_streaming_out
• [root@sandbox lab]# hadoop fs –cat /user/root/join_streaming_out/part-00000 | tail -n 15